
Certainty in Uncertain Times: 3 COVID-19 Financial Coping Strategies

Certainty in Uncertain Times: 3 COVID-19 Financial Coping Strategies

No matter where you call home, we’ve all been touched by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world self-isolates and watches to see what will happen next, we’re oddly connected while keeping our distance.

Maybe you’re feeling lonely because you can’t see your parents or adult kids or share a coffee with a coworker. I know I miss taking a springtime hike with friends, or giving my kids and parents hugs. 

Many people are also dealing with the financial stress of coronavirus. Maybe their loved ones are suddenly without income because they have been laid off, their work hours have been reduced or they no longer have childcare. 

From a sense of unrest to outright fear, we’re all dealing with the emotions that COVID-19 is stirring up. That’s why I wanted to share 3 ways to cope:

  1. Just breathe

    It sounds so basic, doesn’t it? It is, but this primal practice can immediately ground you and instill a sense of calm, especially when you find yourself going into “fight, flight, freeze” mode (more on that below). 

    One of the most common methods in meditation is something called “receptive” practice. Rather than trying to change your breathing, you simply follow it. As you inhale and exhale with no judgement about your technique, you’re naturally quieting your mind and reducing anxiety.

    Over time, receptive breathing can guide you towards being more present in each moment, effortlessly aligning with what’s going on in your world. It can also boost your emotional intelligence and improve your communication with others. 

    One of the best COVID-19 coping strategies is to simply pause and take a breath. Let your body remind you that you have what it takes to get through this time of change and uncertainty, 

    Here’s a great resource on conscious breathing practices.

  2. Get to know your numbers.

    Lots of people are taking the opportunity of being housebound to focus on their “mental money health.” Some individuals have more time to dig deep into their money story, while others are feeling the financial stress of coronavirus. This pandemic goes hand in hand with a significant economic crisis that’s being experienced globally. 

    This could be the perfect opportunity to look more closely at your money blocks. As you really crunch your numbers, you’ll begin to discover so much more than just what you buy; you’ll start to see patterns. 

    As you look at these patterns with compassionate curiosity, not judgment, you’ll start getting clarity into the underlying why of your financial decisions. 

    As you’re getting started, here’s a tip: Use a tracking system to touch and name all of your numbers and get down to the nitty gritty (for example, a row called “Coffee Runs” could track your weekly cafe purchases). 

    Jot down your thoughts and feelings around each transaction. Do you feel euphoric when you buy new clothes? Guilty when you put money into savings rather than buying your kids something fun? This was an insight I gained when I was doing my own money work: As a single Mom, I felt like I was taking something away from my kids by not spending that money on them.

    I promise you, you’re going to learn a lot about yourself by tapping into the feelings you attach to your money! If you’re feeling the financial stress of coronavirus, remember to look at your money story with compassionate curiosity. Be kind to yourself and to others, not just now, but always.  

  3. Understand your coping strategy. 

    We all tend to have a baseline coping strategy, and I often envision these strategies on a continuum. Knowing your baseline, such as a tendency to control things when stressed, can help you normalize how you react. 

    You may notice you are hyper-focused on controlling small things, such as wiping down every surface at home every 20 minutes. If this is interrupted, you may erupt as if under attack. Once you know this is your baseline, you can then name it, appreciate it, and breathe through any interruptions.

    Here are some examples of ways you may fall onto one end of a continuum or another:

    • Restrict or binge. Your COVID-19 coping strategies either involve restricting food or eating like it’s your last meal. Or, maybe you restrict self-care or loving connections, or binge on alcohol or online shopping.
    • Rigid or chaotic. Do you scrub your floors with a toothbrush when times get tough, or let dirty laundry pile up on your desk? Some of us feel a sense of calm when things are clean and orderly. For others, the chaos on the outside mirrors what they’re feeling inside.
    • Fight, flight, freeze. This is your body’s built-in coping mechanism, and it helps protect you from danger. For example, if I yelled “Duck!” you might automatically crouch down, which would be good if an object was flying at your face. But regular old anxiety can also trigger this fight, flight, freeze mode.

    Also, you may often find your response feels like a rollercoaster ride from one end of this continuum to the other. But knowing your baseline will help you communicate more clearly (to yourself and others) about how you are really doing. 

One thing I encourage is looking for ways to decrease reactivity in order to increase connection and enhance communication.

I hope you can take some comfort in these COVID-19 coping strategies. Please remember that like everything else in life, this will pass. Acknowledge whatever you’re feeling at the moment and breathe—you’ll get through this!

If now is the right time for financial therapy, I’m here. From exploring your decision matrix to digging deep into your numbers, I can guide you on your financial renewal journey. Contact me for a free virtual or phone consultation.

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what it's like working
with Wendy

As soon as I start talking money with Wendy, I can exhale and feel my whole body relax. Her empathic, compassionate lead makes me feel good and confident about my relationship with money and how it shows up in my business. I’m always eager to talk money with Wendy!
Jenn UhenFounderThe Pledgettes
Wendy offers a wonderful blend of business knowledge, talk therapy, and financial recovery that can help just about anyone heal their relationship with money. In our work together, I’ve seen her wisdom from such varied life experiences and her true passion for helping clients. Wendy will help you gain clarity and confidence in how you deal with money, all in a way that feels like talking to a friend. Congratulations to Wendy! We’re thrilled to have you as part of the Financial Recovery Institute family.
Karen McCallFounderFinancial Recovery Institute
Wendy is one of my most trusted referrals. She is able to work with a wide array of diagnoses and specializes in financial therapy and education, which is a perfect fit for many of my clients. Wendy and I have collaborated on challenging cases, which has only reinforced my confidence in her abilities. She is a talented clinician, highly professional, and an excellent collaborator. She is not afraid of a challenge and rises to the occasion with expertise and grace.
Dr. Katie SpencerFounderNorthbound Consulting
I’d highly recommend working with Wendy. Her mastermind group was fundamental in helping me build my counseling business. It has helped me get past beliefs about money that were unhelpful and limited my progression.
Kathryn EllwoodOwnerSalt Counselling
Working with Wendy has been one of the best decisions I have made for my career. I was able to dig deep into my money bias and see that I was getting in my own way of success. I always saw myself starting my business a few years down the road, but during the workshop, I took the leap and stopped waiting for the “right” moment. If you’re wanting to grow your business, understand your relationship to money, or just gain more confidence in the mastermind you are – work with Wendy. You won’t regret it!
Sarina PonteOwnerBridgewood Recovery
Wendy helped me look critically at my relationship with money so I could overcome limiting beliefs. She also helped me get more comfortable talking about money because she’s so open about it. I’ve actually had people tell me I’m easy to talk to about project rates and fees—that’s thanks to Wendy!
Ali WeeksOwnerMoxie Writing Co.
I loved Wendy’s energy when I first met her. I knew she was a good fit for me and I felt like her presence would also resonate well with my husband, which it did. We deeply explored the sensitive topic of money and our relationship. Wendy held the space for us to feel the entire spectrum of emotions. My husband and I felt more empathy and, from that place, we were able to have more effective conversations, identify goals, and create strategies for achieving them. We are both grateful for the container Wendy created and support she offered on a challenging journey.
Day Intensive Participant

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