Can You Heal Your Relationship with Money?
By Wendy Wright, LMFT, Financial Therapist
The answer is yes! Okay, but what does that mean? How do you heal your relationship with money? In my approach to financial therapy, I help clients in this process all the time — and as a result, they experience healing and change.
Are you hoping to heal your relationship with money? Start by taking these two steps today.
1. Identify the current relationship.
Do you avoid all things money? Do you find money thoughts to be constantly on repeat in your mind? One key thing to start the healing process is to name where you are today, right now, in this present moment. You may believe that you have to “clean up your money life” before working on it — but that’s not true!
Instead, you can begin to use the first principle of my 10 Principles of Financial Therapy©: Abundant Compassionate Curiosity and Zero Judgment. When you apply this idea, you look at where you are today with kindness, learning, and support. You understand that today is just a snapshot. It’s not a predictor of the “rest of your life”; it’s just where you are today. Then, your money life has plenty of energy to flow from there.
2. Identify what you want your relationship to look like.
Do you have a strong sense of good and bad when it comes to money? Another principle of my 10 Principles of Financial Therapy© is: There is No Good/Bad Dichotomy with Money. Shocked to hear this?! You aren’t alone!
Many of my clients come from a life of harsh polarization of money descriptors. When I say there isn’t a “good” and “bad” with money, that means that you aren’t hopelessly “bad” and others aren’t perfectly “good.” Does that simple shift help take some of the pressure off? I want it to.
Now, you can apply that Curiosity and Zero Judgment and change your inner dialogue to “I like this,” “I want this,” “I don’t like this,” and “I don’t want this.” Feel that shift! If you want to experience more of this new way of thinking, check out my Money Mindset Shift program.
Remember: You don’t have to wait to have it “right” to start.
Begin right now with these two steps. By taking even a single step toward a new relationship with money, you’re on the path to healing. For more on this topic, check out my recent episode on The Wellness Revolution Podcast with Amber Shaw.
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